Working young adults are finding it difficult to purchase a home of their own due to the unstable economic climate and the steady annual increase in property prices.

James Law, a gifted local architect from Hong Kong, recognized this issue and wanted to discover a less expensive alternative to create affordable homes. He came up with a fantastic solution. Law’s plan was to construct homes out of the ordinary, including concrete plumbing pipes.

This idea was created specifically to satisfy the needs of adolescent adults who desired to possess their own homes.

An American demographic consultant’s data places Hong Kong in the top 10 most difficult cities in the world to buy a home in for the seventh consecutive year. Law came up with the brilliant idea because he was motivated to fix this issue through his own business, James Law Cybertecture.

A modest dwelling with complete functionality and practicality is constructed inside this substantial concrete plumbing pipe.

The 100 square foot home, also known as the O-POD Tube Housing, can house 1 to 2 people.

It appears tidy and beautiful.

The pipe house has a diameter of roughly 2.5 meters. This pipe house, which is connected to the other buildings by a short flight of stairs, can be placed in the small space between them and stacked.

Given that the pipe weighed about 22 tons, moving or storing it is difficult.

However, because of its simple stabilization feature, the installation cost is on the lower end.

It is presently only a prototype, and the suggested price for the house is Hong Kong Dollars 120,000 (or about $15289).

It is hoped that the project will be a success and that many more young people will eventually be able to purchase their own homes.

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