Jocelyn Wildenstein, a renowned socialite who has reached the age of 81, has long held a prominent position on the list of women who, in their quest for youth and beauty, have significantly altered their appearance.

Jocelyn’s origins trace back to Switzerland, where, at the age of 17, she crossed paths with a producer who facilitated her entry into the world of cinema. Following a move to Paris, her relationship with the producer ended, leading Jocelyn down a bohemian path filled with lively social gatherings. She frequently changed romantic partners and only ventured into marriage after reaching the age of 30.

It is suggested that Jocelyn’s initial venture into cosmetic procedures was influenced by her husband’s aversion to aging. This man harbored a deep fear of growing old and dedicated himself to preserving his facial youthfulness.

When conventional measures proved insufficient, he opted to have under-eye bags removed through blepharoplasty. Jocelyn not only supported her husband in this endeavor but also chose to undergo the procedure herself.

There are differing accounts regarding the motivation behind Jocelyn’s decision to adopt a “cat” eye shape. Some speculate it was driven by her husband’s preference, while others believe she pursued this transformation to maintain her own youthfulness, given her husband’s penchant for the company of younger, attractive women.

Following the initial surgery, Jocelyn embarked on a series of additional facial modifications, including injections from a beautician, chin and cheekbone implants, and facial skin tightening, among others.

In the words of Jocelyn’s husband at the time, “I was always the last to know about surgeries. She thought she could remodel her face like old furniture is reupholstered, but you can’t do that with skin. But she didn’t listen,” as Wildenstein recounted.

Ultimately, the marriage came to an end after several years, accompanied by a significant legal battle where Jocelyn sought a substantial share of her husband’s wealth. Despite receiving $2.5 billion and ten years of financial support from her former spouse, Jocelyn found herself facing financial difficulties. In 2016, she publicly stated her dire financial situation, with rumors suggesting that her entire fortune had been consumed by plastic surgeons and cosmetologists.

Remarkably, Jocelyn remains resolute in her belief in her own beauty, showing no remorse for the youthful choices that have defined her facial appearance.

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