The unfortunate incident occurred just a day before Ava’s fourth birthday, casting a shadow over what should have been a celebratory occasion. Alfonso, 51, took to Instagram to express his deep gratitude to the medical professionals at @kareskinmd, who provided immediate and proficient care to Ava.

Their medical expertise has significantly minimized the chances of scarring from the accident. Alfonso was full of praise for his daughter’s extraordinary courage during the entire surgical procedure.

The Recovery: Showing Promising Progress

Alfonso recently provided an encouraging update on Ava’s condition, revealing her outstanding recovery despite the traumatic incident. He expressed his joy at Ava being able to participate in the Fourth of July celebrations in Washington, D.C. alongside the family, highlighting her impressive recovery.

Alfonso admitted that the healing process has been comprehensive and extended, but Ava’s exceptional recuperation left him brimming with pride. Recalling the day of the accident in May, he revealed that he was not present at the time of the incident.

Luckily, their nanny was on the scene to provide immediate help, and Alfonso was swiftly informed, leading to quick medical intervention. Alfonso and his second wife, Angela Unkrich, whom he wedded in 2012, share the parental joy of raising Ava.

A Proud Family: The Ribeiro Clan

In addition to Ava, Alfonso and Angela also share the joy of parenthood with two other lovely children, nine-year-old Alfonso “AJ” Lincoln and eight-year-old Anders Reyn. Alfonso also has a twenty-year-old daughter, Sienna, from his previous marriage to Robin Stapler.

As a proud father of four, Alfonso commended Ava’s incredible strength and fortitude, acknowledging the potentially long recovery process. “She’s still active and moving around,” he joyfully shared, indicating that while the wound has medically healed, the visible scar would take time to disappear.

He recognized that although the scar might not be medically significant, it carries emotional importance for any parent worried about their child’s wellbeing.

Parental Concern: A Mother’s Intuition

Angela, Ava’s doting mother, also shared her feelings on Instagram during the incident. She confessed to having a motherly intuition or premonition on the morning of the accident, eerily foreseeing a visit to the emergency room.

Angela stressed that safety and caution were top priorities for everyone involved in planning Ava’s birthday festivities, including family, friends, and the babysitter. Little did she know that her words would later echo profoundly with everyone present.

An Unbreakable Family Bond

As Ava Sue continues on her path to complete recovery, both Alfonso Ribeiro and Angela Unkrich are overflowing with gratitude for the support they’ve received and for their daughter’s courageous progress.

Their unwavering love and commitment to their family demonstrate the strength of their familial bond. This bond has remained unshaken even during challenging times, serving as a testament to their collective resilience.

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