You never quite know what one day is going to hold compared to the day before. Some days are perfectly normal but on other days, you may have the opportunity to be a hero.

There were many people who had the opportunity to be a hero with Hurricane Helene. The stories are still coming in at this time, and those brave enough to take a stand for their fellow humans have shown us just what it means to help others.

Hurricane Helene was a category four hurricane that hit the Big Bend area of Florida and continued up through the southeastern United States. The extent of the damage has yet to be seen, but judging by what we have heard, it is catastrophic.

One area where floods were a problem was Atlanta, Georgia. A weather broadcaster named Bob Van Dillon was broadcasting live on the scene at the time when he heard a woman screaming.

The woman was trapped in her car in the rising floodwaters. Rather than continuing with his broadcast, he contacted the police but soon realized that they wouldn’t be there in time. That is when he decided not to be a bystander.

Van Dylan went through the flood-filled streets to offer help to the woman stuck in her automobile. There were some problems along the way but he was able to rescue her from the car and carry her to a safe location.

If he had not made the effort to help the woman, she may have been stuck in her vehicle for a long time. In actuality, it took 15 minutes before the fire department arrived because there were so many calls associated with the natural disaster.

Later, somebody asked him about helping the woman and he gave a rather modest account of the issue.

He said: “She was panicking. She really wasn’t making too much sense, and she was still strapped into her car seat.”

So I’m trying to open up the door, Ainsley, and the water pressure wasn’t allowing me to do it. So I said, ‘Roll your window down.’ So she rolls it down and … it allowed me to open the door.”

Although Van Dillon knew that he was doing something with danger involved, he had no idea just how much danger he was putting himself in. He just felt that she wouldn’t be able to get to safety on her own and he knew he needed to help.

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