One time of year that many of us appreciate is the time of year when we add a tree to our home. It happens every year and even though the tree is only there for a few weeks, it is a beautiful part of the room where we put it.

Of course, talking about the Christmas tree it doesn’t matter if it is an artificial tree or a live tree, it is a tradition that many families have. One woman who has this tradition experienced something more than what she was expecting, however, so she shared it on TikTok.

The woman was looking closely at her Christmas tree and found that there was something unexpected inside of it. It wasn’t Santa Claus or anything like that, it was actually a little critter that was hiding in the ornaments.

After posting the video on TikTok, it has gotten millions of views. When you first look at the tree, it may look somewhat normal but when the camera zooms in, you begin to see a face peeking out and some black eyes looking at you from between the branches.

It was an opossum, and she has no idea how it got in her house and up the tree. She says that she doesn’t leave her doors open, so maybe it just came in with the tree.


She followed up to say that she eventually was able to get the opossum out of her home using some protective gloves. At first, she tried to pull the possum out of the tree but he didn’t want to go anywhere.

After some effort and a few broken decorations, she chased the possum around the house and eventually captured him and released him outside.

You can see the follow-up here:

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