Even though we try to do our best in life, there are going to be times when we fall short of the mark. Let’s face it, we are imperfect people living in an imperfect world, and mistakes are going to be made from time to time.

Sometimes those mistakes are not seen by others and even if they are, they may just be pushed off as being a normal part of life. At other times, however, they may be seen by many others.

That was the case in the following video. A band had practiced tirelessly in order to get the national anthem right and they wanted to perform it in front of a group of people who had come to see them perform.

As anticipation was building for the music to begin, I don’t doubt that everyone on the stage that day had butterflies in their stomach. It’s one of those moments that you practice for and when the moment finally comes, you want everything to go right.

One of the young musicians on the stage really took the spotlight, and it wasn’t necessarily for the music he was playing. He had the job of clashing the cymbals together, and it made the national anthem sound great.

The problem was, as he was putting the cymbals together, one of them fell apart. It happened in the middle of the song and everything had been going so smoothly up until that point.

When the handle of one of the cymbals snapped, it crashed to the ground loudly and you could see that he was panicking. Even the girl playing the drum next to him looked in his direction and you could see some panic on her face as well.

What do you do when your only job is suddenly taken away from you by such a mistake? You can take a page out of this young man’s book, and be a boss at everything you do.

Rather than running off the stage or standing there in a panic, he simply turned toward the flag and raised his arm to salute it. It was perhaps the best thing he could do, and they captured it all in the video.

Not long after the incident took place, the video was uploaded to YouTube and it has been watched millions of times. I’m sure that it will be watched many more times as this video continues to gain traction.

By admin

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