Real life heroes exist outside of movies and comics, and sometimes they make extraordinary sacrifices. Last Tuesday in Kansas City, an 88-year-old crossing guard named Bob Nill gave his life to protect children from a speeding car. The students at Christ the King Parish School held him in high regard, affectionately calling him “Mr. Bob”.crossing guard

At around 8 a.m., a black sedan recklessly sped through Nill’s crosswalk. In an act of bravery, Nill put himself in harm’s way to save two children. School principal Cathy Fithian expressed her gratitude, saying, “He stopped two kids, and they listened, thank God, but then he, of course, was the victim.” Witnesses recounted how Nill pushed the children out of harm’s way just in time.

Tragically, he was struck by the car. Nill’s nephew, Randy, shared that this courageous act was in line with his character, stating, “What my Uncle Bob did for just getting little kids across the street seemed probably trivial to some people, but for him, it was a really important job, and now, we really know how important it was. He maybe saved some lives.”

Before becoming a crossing guard, Nill had a career in banking and proudly served in the Coast Guard. Even after retiring, he wanted to continue giving back to his community. Randy explained, “This was something I think he felt like he could help children and help himself feel good about what he was doing.”

Christ the King Parish School shared a heartfelt statement on their Facebook page, asking for prayers for Nill’s family and everyone affected by the accident. They wrote, “Also know that Mr. Nill is a hero. He stopped two of our students from crossing the road as the car approache.” The school community mourns the loss of a true hero, Bob Nill, whose selfless actions saved lives and will forever be remembered.

Let us honor the memory of this brave man by sharing his story.

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