King Charles and Camilla will have most family members in attendance for their coronation on May 6.

The question remains as to whether Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will accept their invitation, but documents as to how the big day will unfold have now been leaked.

The king’s three grandchildren, including the soon-to-be five-year-old Prince Louis, will all have a role in the coronation procession, though if they’ll play any significant part has yet to be revealed.

Prince George, Charles’ eldest grandchild, will be king himself in the future, while his siblings, Princess Charlotte and her brother, Louis, will “only” be working royals.

While it’s said Kate and William are preparing Charlotte for a life wherein she might have to work, young Prince Louis’s future remains more unclear. Interestingly, though, it’s now being speculated that King Charles might have quite the plan for the young royal, and it includes one of the most honorable titles in the royal world.

King Charles’ coronation is less than two months away. It will take place on May 6 and is expected to be celebrated nationwide by the British public.

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